Your quest to Make Money In Real Estate Begins here…

Discover through ‘Land your first deal’ how you can find lots and Flip them to Home Builders  In Less Than 30 days

…Learn to Control Land without buying and flipping it for an easy profit

 Make Sure Your Sound Is ON!

Hi, I'm Elijah Bryant!

Born in New York, I was raised to be a go-getter no matter what! Over time, discipline, determination, and consistency were the principles that allowed me to focus on what my "WHY" was.

After years of side jobs that kept me "busy" and unproductive, I decided to try my hand at wholesaling real estate. Eventually, it became a carbon copy of what I imagined. With no sales or cold calling experience, I knew I had to change my mindset. I could not let the fear of failure consume me.

Taking the step into Real Estate has been the best thing I have done to release myself from the burden of the employee and become the BOSS. True freedom exists and I want to help you find it.

This course is my humble approach to helping those achieve success in wholesaling vacant land.

What is our Real Estate Wholesaling Business Model?

First step is to find a local builder then find out their price range and criteria. 
Next, reach out to land owners and give them discounted offers based off comparable lots that were sold.
Sign a purchase agreement with the land owner.
Then you sign an assignment agreement with the home builder.
You forward both of those agreements to the title company. Within 21-35 days later the title company will close the deal.

Finding lots and selling them to Home Builders can be EASIER than selling homes

Obtaining the proper knowledge to perform these steps is crucial in your journey to flip land virtually.

I believe that with the proper guidance and training, everyone can obtain their version of success. There is no difference between YOU and ME.

 This course will help you get out of the analysis paralysis stage; as soon as you are comfortable with the content, take action, and the rest will follow.
This is exactly why we’re excited to introduce a course that’ll help you secure deals!

Introducing a breakthrough course

‘Land Your First Deal’

We teach you to acquire land at a discount and sell it at a higher profit.

This course will give you the confidence to:

  • Find the perfect market that will be the most profitable
  • ​Find builders who are desperately looking for lots to build on
  • ​Understand P&A Agreements to ensure you get paid!
  • ​How to negotiate deals even if you suck at sales
  • ​ Scale your Real Estate business to 6 figures a year
But fear not, because this course will guide you from point A to point Z.
Before this course, does this feel like you:
  • ​Have you’ve been struggling closing deals?
  • ​Have you struggled to find home builders and have no luck?
  • ​Do you feel stagnant in your business?
  • ​Is finding the right market an issue?
  • ​Are you are looking to become a top wholesaler in real estate?
…does this sound like you? 

Because if it does, there’s good news for you. 

Land your first deal equips you with the Knowledge to:
  • ​Identify which lots to choose
  • ​Sell them at high profits
  • ​Get the deal done quickly and efficiently

The course will Highlight which lots could be highly profitable for home builders

It can be difficult finding a home builder for vacant lots. However, it gets better the more you do it.

This course will help you identify the lots and connect with the builders so you can make a profit.

Don't Take It From Me. See What Other's Had To say About Working With Me

How Jazz started with $300 And Made 6 Figures

Closed 2 Land Deals From Text Messages After Joining 

My Mentee Josh Made Over $50k
Flipping Land...

Mike Has Closed Multiple Deals With The LYFD Course 

Here Are The Hard Truths That You Need To Hear
Going It Alone Is Never Going To Work
Unless you [WIN THE LOTTERY/GET GRANTED 3 WISHES/MANIFEST A MIRACLE], you’ll always struggle with [BIGGEST PAIN POINT] It’s not something you can type into Google…

It’s not something that you can learn from scratch (unless you have millions of dollars in the bank, and years of your life to waste)...

And it’s not something that comes easily to most. That’s why you need a simple, step-by-step guide to show you EXACTLY how to achieve everything you want - without trial and error and expensive mistakes.
[Insert HARD TRUTH #2 Related to Product]
Unless you [WIN THE LOTTERY/GET GRANTED 3 WISHES/MANIFEST A MIRACLE], you’ll always struggle with [BIGGEST PAIN POINT] It’s not something you can type into Google…

It’s not something that you can learn from scratch (unless you have millions of dollars in the bank, and years of your life to waste)...

And it’s not something that comes easily to most. That’s why you need a simple, step-by-step guide to show you EXACTLY how to achieve everything you want - without trial and error and expensive mistakes.
You Only Have Two Options

Option 1: Forget This Exists

You can act as if this course doesn’t exist, and go back to suffering in silence, living a life you’re truly unsatisfied with. 

You won’t get [BENEFIT]

And you definitely won’t get [BENEFIT]

You’ll simply carry on down the same path, leaving your future (and paycheck) in the hands of another. 

But I know that’s not what you want. 

And I know that’s not why you’re still here, on this page, looking for a way to change your entire life. 

That’s why there’s a SECOND, much more appealing option!

Option 2: Commit, Take Action & Change
Your Life For The Better

Your second option gives you the BEST possible chance at success and enables you to skip all of the long-winded, confusing, time-consuming risks you can’t afford to take.

Your second option is, yep - you guessed it, to take me up on my offer of joining [COURSE NAME] today. 

This course is running on a first-come-first-served basis. 

That means, if you WANT to achieve [BLANK], without [BLANK], you need to act fast, and you need to act now. 

Most people will NEVER come across a chance like this… And here you are, considering giving it all up due to fear of the unknown, and what “someone once said”.

This course isn’t based on predictions, what I think might work, or what someone said in a forum online… This is based on my REAL experience and very REAL results. 

I’ve deep-dived into every single step that I’ve taken to get to where I am today, and I’m basically handing you my ENTIRE life’s work for a small one-time payment. 

You don’t have to spend years of your life going it alone. You don’t have to spend your hard-earned money on trial and error which might, or might not work. 

I’m providing you with EVERYTHING you could possibly need to go from [BLANK] to [BLANK] in as little as [TIMEFRAME]
So, What’s The Cost, 
For Something So Powerful?
So, What’s The Cost, For Something So Powerful?
The truth is, this course has been valued at $XXXX

And I’ve been told COUNTLESS times that I should charge a RECURRING MONTHLY price of at least $XXX…

My students think I’m CRAZY for making the entry-level so low...

But I’m not in it for the money. 

I created this course to help others who are going through the exact same process I went through, just a few short years ago. 

My ONLY desire is for this course to be accessible, easy-to-follow, and completely LIFE-CHANGING for anyone who gets their hands on it. 


What are you waiting for?

Jump off the Fence and take a leap of faith!

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Disclaimer: Sales results listed above or in my marketing material are not typical and are the result of hard work, training, experimenting, and learning from mistakes. These figures and results are used specifically as examples. Your results will vary depending on a wide variety of variables and factors.